Second Grade

Welcome to Second Grade! At Mars, we are the big brothers and sisters of the school! Reading, writing, and math are our core focus.


In reading, we focus on reading fluently with expression, self-correcting while reading, retelling stories sequentially, including important details and character names, making self-to-text connections, and being able to answer questions about the story (who, what, when, where, why, how).


In writing, we work on units creating personal narratives, persuasive/opinion writing, and informational research writing. We encourage students to add creative details to make their writing more interesting and with support, revise and edit writing for publication.


In math, we cover essential skills involving various strategies to solve addition/subtraction problems, solving word problems, distinguishing odd and even numbers, place value, counting to 1,000 by 1's, 5's, 10's, 100's, and measuring and comparing numbers. We also focus on geometry, telling time, money, and understanding basic fractions. Click to see a more detailed description of the Common Core State Standards that your child needs to master.

Parent Engagement Resources

Math Resources