About Us
Greetings and Welcome to Sylvester Elementary!
We are excited to have your child attending our school. Sylvester has approximately 430 students, including hearing-impaired classrooms, preschool classrooms for students with speech & language impairments, and general education classrooms. Also in our building are the Berrien County Hearing Impaired & Audiology Center and the District Special Education Offices. In addition to grades 3-5 general education classrooms, we also provide music education, art education, physical education, and library/computers. We also offer special education programming (Resource Rooms), speech, Title I, and Social Work services for students meeting qualification guidelines. There are also a variety of extra-curricular activities that your child will be offered. These educational opportunities and services combine to make Sylvester Elementary a diverse and inviting environment for ALL children to learn!
Sylvester Pledge
I will always try to do my best.
I will treat others the way I want to be treated.
I will always try to make good choices.
I am responsible for my own behavior.