Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Program Features

On-Site Audiological Services

The program strives to identify and educate children with hearing losses at the earliest age. Two full-time audiologists evaluate children referred by various sources including local hospitals’ Infant Hearing Screening program, Berrien County Health Department, parents, physicians, and schools. Personal hearing aids and cochlear implants can be monitored to ensure peak performance. Additionally, personal FM systems are provided for enhanced auditory input while in school when necessary. Our hearing center is an Early Hearing, Detection, and Intervention (EDHI) approved site through the Michigan Department of Education. 

Placement Options

The Berrien County Hearing Impaired Program, operated by Berrien Springs Public Schools, provides auditory oral programming, support, and intervention for children ages birth to graduation for students in Berrien and Cass counties. Options for families desiring a total communication (speaking, listening, and sign language) program, for students who use sign language as part of their communication, are available within western Michigan. Michigan School for the Deaf/Blind is also an option for families desiring manual or sign language communication.

Program decisions and placement are an IEP team decision and should be discussed on an annual basis. Students can also be supported through a 504 plan when appropriate to provide necessary accommodations associated with the hearing needs.

Classes and Services

Teachers within our DHH program are fully certified as teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing by the State of Michigan. Students IEP placed into our center-based program have the most significant educationally impacting hearing loss and are in need of intensive speech, language, and auditory instruction. Speech and language services are provided by the teachers of hearing impaired and/or speech-language pathologists.

Other ancillary, consultant, and/or classroom services, such as physical or occupational therapy, are available to students who qualify.

Educational services available for deaf and hard of hearing children include:

  • Infant-Toddler Services: Babies are seen individually by a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing through Early On services or an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). Since parent involvement is such an integral part of the program, teachers and parents work together to develop the foundational skills, usually in the child’s natural environment.
  • Preschool: If determined appropriate by the IEP team, preschool students attend our full-day preschool program that runs Monday-Thursday. The preschool class focuses on listening, speech, vocabulary and language development, social skills, and standard pre-academic skills.
  • Elementary/Secondary: In their elementary years, students in our Dhh center-based program work to build communication skills and increase speech/language abilities, alongside academics from the general education curriculum. Opportunities for socialization with general education students happens throughout the day as determined appropriate by the student’s IEP team which includes their resident district. 
  • Home district: Full-time inclusion in the student’s local district with deaf and hard of hearing teacher consultant support is available. Services include hearing management and academic support. Speech-language pathologists and others may be included in the child’s education program as warranted by the IEP team’s determination.


Ashley Porter
Coordinator of ECSE and D/HH Programs

Ashley Hicks
Secretary, The Hearing Center

Dr. Sarah Kourtijian
Educational Audiologist

Lynn Schafer
Educational Audiologist

Kelly Fortune
Teacher Consultant

Kristine Etter
Sylvester D/HH Teacher

Melissa Stankevich
D/HH Preschool Teacher

KeriAnn Wishart
Mars Elementary D/HH Teacher

Charis Bushey
D/HH Paraprofessional

Yosselin Cervantes
D/HH Paraprofessional

Petya Kalchev
D/HH Preschool Paraprofessional

For inquiries related to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, please reach out at (269) 471-8858.

Visit the Audiology Department at Sylvester Elementary.