Family Engagement & Attendance
Berrien Springs Public Schools has identified Improving student attendance as one of our main goals for the 2022-2023 school year. Our school district is working with families to share the importance of daily attendance and to address any underlying problems that lead to absenteeism. By building positive relationships and working together as a community, we can focus on reducing absenteeism and keeping kids in our schools.
Family Engagement
Family engagement is a collaborative relationship between families, educators, providers, and partners to support and improve every learner's learning, development, and health.
Below are parent resources that can assist you in supporting your child in daily school attendance. Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow! Elementary Resource
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow! Middle School & High School Resource
Truancy Guide
Truancy in Berrien County Frequently Asked Question
Attendance Works Resources
Attendance in Early Grades (English)
Attendance in Early Grades (Spanish)
K/1st Grade:
Get Ready for one of the biggest Adventures of your life (English)
Get Ready for one of the biggest Adventures of your life (Spanish)
Build a Habit of Good Attendance (English)
Build a Habit of Good Attendance (Spanish)
Middle and Secondary
Keep Track of Your in MS and HS: Pay Attention to Attendance (English)
Keep Track of Your in MS and HS: Pay Attention to Attendance (Spanish)
Virtual/Remote Learning
Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance During Remote Learning (English)
Pay Attention to Attendance in Remote Learning: Keep Your Teen on Track in Middle and High School
Winter Resources
Promoting Good Attendance All Winter Long (English)
Promoting Good Attendance All Winter Long (Spanish)
Truancy vs. Chronic Absence Resources
Truancy vs. Chronic Absence (English)
Berrien County Resources
Clinics and Agencies
Riverwood Mobile Crisis Team
Southwest Michigan Health Community Resources
Berrien County Resource Directory
For more information regarding attendance and family engagement activities, please contact:
Chelsea Pollyea
Coordinator of Student Services
Berrien Springs Public Schools
Phone: (269) 473-0509
Together inspiring students to think, learn, achieve and care in a global community.