Dugout Dolls: Softball Hitting     Fall 2024

  • Trish Gardini     
  • phone: 574-340-0416
  • email: coachgardini@gmail.com
  • website: dugoutdolls.com
  • Location: 1720 Terminal Road, Niles MI 49120 (Turn just before the address. Follow signs to Krush Volleyball. We are the first parking lot on the right!)
  • Format: In Person
  • Masks: Optional
  • Ages: 5-18
  • Classes taught in groups of 3 - 6 students
  • Classes must begin in September. Contact Trish Gardini for start dates
  • 16 hours of instruction

Additional Registration at location is required! Visit their website and fill out the Sign Up Form.

Dugout Dolls is a weekly training facility for softball athletes of all levels. We meet weekly to learn all of the varying pieces of the softball swing. Hitting is a crucial part of the game. We break down fundamentals in our 16-week journey. We work through various tee work, soft toss hitting rotations & eventually hard ball cage hitting! We are so excited for you to learn from former college athlete & softball hitting guru, Trish Gardini!

Dugout Dolls Syllabus

*Please note: it is important to make as informed a decision as possible when choosing your student's Community Resource classes. Most locations will allow a student to drop a class after one meeting, at no charge if it wasn't a good fit for the student, but not all. Some classes plan ahead based on the number that have signed up and have purchased materials, hired teachers, etc. and there might be a fee for class time or materials given to the student if the student drops after one or two meetings. The school cannot pay for classes that students do not complete, so choose wisely; if you do not take the class off of your student's schedule by the deadline, you may be asked to pay for the class time incurred prior to dropping the class. 
 Teacher of Record:  
Sara Smothers