Project Based Learning Electives provided by the Berrien Springs Virtual Academy

Group Tennis Lessons     Spring 2025

Group Tennis Lessons:

  • South Shore Health and Racquet Club, St. Joseph
    3630 Tennis Court, St. Joseph
  • Masks: Optional
  • Contact: Sarah Lancaster   
  • 269-429-2101 - CALL TO REGISTER
  • Start Date: Classes begin week of January 6th and continue through April 18th. *No Classes March 31st through April 5th.

Be a part of South Shore's outstanding tennis program by joining one of their many group classes.  Instruction is divided by skill and age.  All sessions must be attended. Your student is automatically registered for and must take the first and second session.

Must contact South Shore to register for your student's appropriate level and the day and time; tell them you are a part of Berrien Springs Partnership. 

Group Tennis Syllabus

Tennis Schedule - Spring Semester 2025

Tennis Levels:

Red (Ages 4 & 5) (Two 7-week sessions, minus spring break week), 35 min. class time
The focus in these classes will be on big-time fun as well as eye-hand coordination. We will utilize larger foam tennis balls as well as smaller nets, music, bubbles, and anything else that you can think of that would put a smile on a kid’s face. In addition to hitting tennis balls there will be a large portion of the time spent on throwing, catching, dribbling, and other motor skills activities that will not only help them learn tennis, but also prepare them for any other sport that they might try out.

Orange (Ages 6-8) (Two 7-week sessions, minus spring break week), 55 min. class time
We will utilize smaller nets and “red” tennis balls & orange balls (lighter weight & slightly bigger than real tennis balls) as we introduce the kids to rallying (hitting back & forth). The names of the lines will be taught as well as basic score-keeping. The “technique” of tennis will begin to be taught as they learn proper swing paths for ground strokes, volleys, and serves. 30 min. private lesson included and must be taken - self scheduled.

Green (Ages 9-11) (Two 7-week sessions, minus spring break week), 55 min. class time
The kids will transition to the “green-dot” ball and some “real” tennis balls as they scoot back to the 60 foot line of the court as well as some full-court rallying. They will be taught how to keep score and will begin to learn to “compete”. A high level of sportsmanship is stressed. 30 min. private lesson included and must be taken - self scheduled.

Middle School (Two 7-week sessions, minus spring break week), 55 min. class time
Real tennis balls will be used and all rallies and points will be done using the full 78 foot court. Serves will be done from the baseline and spins and accuracy will be taught. Doubles will also be introduced to the kids.
30 min. private lesson included and must be taken - self scheduled.

High School:  (Two 7-week sessions, minus spring break week), 85 min. class time
Our High School class not only teaches technique, strategy, and sportsmanship, but also begins to challenge the kids from a physical fitness stand-point. Each class is guaranteed to give the kids a great work-out. We also will do our best to prepare each player for their respective high school tennis seasons, if they choose to play on a team. 30 min. private lesson included and must be taken - self scheduled.


  • Tennis racquet: If not sure what kind to get, South Shore will loan one to you at no charge when you arrive. South Shore will also have some for purchase at the club. 
  • Non-marking tennis shoes (PLEASE no running shoes). Running shoes put black or white marks on the courts.

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​*Please note: it is important to make as informed a decision as possible when choosing your student's Community Resource classes. Most locations will allow a student to drop a class after one meeting, at no charge if it wasn't a good fit for the student, but not all. Some classes plan ahead based on the number that have signed up and have purchased materials, hired teachers, etc. and there might be a fee for class time or materials given to the student if the student drops after one or two meetings. The school cannot pay for classes that students do not complete, so choose wisely; if you do not take the class off of your student's schedule by the deadline, you may be asked to pay for the class time incurred prior to dropping the class.

​Teacher of Record: Sara Smothers